Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Im done!

The party is over let’s do something else now.

We finally made it, we got that elusive freedom that many have fought for, or at least our parents fought for, we can celebrate and dance the night away… Phew life’s good.

But forget all of that, it’s been close to 20 years since we got our ‘freedom’ why are we still celebrating? When are we going to start working and moving forward from the struggle? Don’t get me wrong I’m not siding with any white racist people out there that use “it happened a long time ago, move on” excuse, no I’m simply stating that fact that we have an opportunity to empower ourselves and be as rich if not more rich then the racist white who do not want us to get empowered because they feel we are animals.

The only way to fight racism is to get rich, the right way. The only reason why racism exists is because of the economy, black people were sold as a commodity and therefore the white developed an oppressive attitude towards the black man to keep him oppressed for business reasons. I’m saying stick it to the racist man and get rich, the party is over let’s get to work.

If you have seen the census you would see that the blacks are still the majority in this country and they are still worse of then any other race group. Yes we had it worse than any other race group but that should not be your reasoning for failure, that reason alone should inspire you to rise and conquer. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How is my culture?

How is my culture? Or more importantly how is your African culture?

We as South Africans are so easily manipulated by the western society, we follow their trends and make them our own, we listen to their music and conform to what they deem to be ‘cool’ we watch their movies and fall in love with their culture and we neglect our culture, but whenever we get the chance, we say “I’m proudly South African.” Are we really?

I was watching the news last year and I saw a lot of people encouraging their kids to go trick or treating, and I thought to myself “we do that in South Africa?” my whole entire existence I have never gone trick or treating with both my black and white friends in the suburbs or in the locations. So I’m wondering when this became our tradition.

We as South Africans respect women, mothers especially. We consider them to be a national treasure in many different cultures in South Africa. I know in the Zulu culture more specifically, back in the day when a father was disciplining his child and the hiding got too much for the child, he or she could run to the women’s side of the hut and the man was not allowed to cross over to the women side, thus the walloping would cease. Another example; if two men were fighting and one of them was getting a serious beating, he could run to any women and hide, and the fight would stop instantly. Yes perhaps they didn’t rule, but they had a significant influence in the way things were done. The women who marched on August 19 were never touched by any man, the white ladies who called themselves the Black Sash, they were never touched when the marched on the streets of South African. (If you don’t know them Google it)

My point is why are young kids calling young girls bitches? Just because some famous rapper in America calls his girlfriend a bitch, why do we have to do the same? We respect women we don’t call them bitches.
All I’m asking is how is your culture? 

(PS the picture is not mine it belongs to http://www.gettyimages.com )

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The way I think

Right… this little blog of mine is not about politics, race nor is it about sexuality; this blog is about knowledge of self and the consistent search for it.

There is one issue I have encountered with people and that is understanding. It’s amazing how many people in this day and age lack the one thing that could possibly propel them into grandeur, the one thing that could create a better world for all, all lot of people lack understanding.

BEE for example, it’s a ‘plan’ to help empower the disadvantaged people of colour that had suffered under the apartheid laws. This here ‘plan’ was designed to help people and in turn helping the country move a few steps closer to grandeur.

If the government is trying to propel the country forward, why do you say its reverse apartheid? The government is not depriving anyone of an opportunity to go to a specific school to better themselves, nor is the government arresting people for not carrying their I.D. wherever they go. If you think like this you’re an idiot.

Think about it, if the majority of the population is of colour and those people are not as well of as the rich minority it means the country is undeveloped which equals to the economy of that country not as strong as it should be. What I’m trying to say is, if there are few people contributing to production of a specific object, it’s going to take much longer to move onto the next project, and if you’re getting paid for these projects you will not make a lot of money, for the simple fact that you don’t finish as many projects as your competitors.

If people were to possess this one important quality that is needed for progress, we as a people would look down on people who are stuck with the same mentality their great grandfathers had 50 years ago. If progress is what we need as a nation, then our mentality needs to adopt the same direction our vision has. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Über men

Making it happen for the sake of making it happen.

A lot of people are probably asking themselves or maybe asking somebody close to them this question that has no relevance at all: “why does this guy not talk about things that are relevant to us?”

Well my friend/reader, this blog is not about politics nor is it about the latest trends happening in South Africa, this blog is about being proactive and self-conscious about your environment. This blog is not for the superfluous that nature has produced but this blog is for the 'one' that nature was looking for. I mean somebody had to wake Neo up from the dream.

My friend is a Visual Communication student and she is constantly involved and searching for that big idea or that great design. She influences the people around her to be the best they can be, she is all about making things happen for the sake of making it happen.

If you enjoy the finer things in life, you love the simple yet well thought out activities one is exposed to, ask yourself this question; who made it all happen? All I’m saying is somebody decided to no longer follow the trend of being the excess but decided to be proactive and make something happen for the sake of making it happen.

I’m a copywriter and I love what I do, I write because I want to make you realise you have the power to change the world (call me Morpheus) all that is needed is the Übermensch. Are you the one?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who killed the noise?

So the story continues, the noise did not die?

Who said the government is in power? Who decided for them, that they can do whatever they want without our consent?  And they can treat us like secondary citizens; use our money for their luxurious expenses.

If we as the youth can carry the same flame that our parents carried when they fought for their rights which in turn became our rights to do what we do today, then maybe we have a chance at life or anything that’s relevant to it. I believe that the young are in existence constantly for one reason, and only one reason. We are young so that we can rebel.

Remember the old saying: youth is wasted on the young. It says it all, if we sit and do nothing we are truly wasting our potential. I’m not encouraging people to be reckless about their life decisions but I am questioning their existence, I’m questioning their life decisions, I’m questioning their YOUTH.

Who killed the noise, who told the young people to be quiet?  Who said there is no reason to rebel anymore? Why do we care what other people think of us? I mean we have the greatest excuse in the world and that is “we are still young”. We have to rebel and say something when things are affecting us negatively. We should rise up rebel and take it to the man as our parents did and their parents, because if you are still young you owe it to them to rebel and continue to carry the flame they carried so that YOU can get a shot at life.

Let the story continue, turn up the noise.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Slavery… what an interesting concept, something we all have experience in.

Let me introduce this concept to you in a light that all will understand. All of us in the world have fallen under this taboo way of life, we have all participated in slavery, whether you were the slave or maybe you were the slave master.

Todays’ practice of slavery takes on many different forms; it is what makes our lives move forward I suppose because nobody has decided to question this practice. I’m not going to refer to the modern way of slavery as evil because some slavery in some messed up way is needed to some people. But then again is it? Is it what we really need, in order for some of us to achieve or become the people we want to be?

I must say and I am commending every human being thus far for enduring this way of life. Everything you see on TV, magazines, internet, even some of the things you are taught at home are subject to some sort of mental subjugation by some source that you will never get to know.

I know what you thinking, “What is this guy talking about? All his is doing is rambling about nothing.”
Maybe I am, or maybe this is just the result of mental emancipation. All I am asking you to do is question. Question everything in existence; treat the familiar as strange and the strange as familiar and maybe you might have a shot at seeing this slavery I am talking about. I’m not going to tell you what it is, because I can’t but I am hoping that you will let that wonderful gift that god gave you think. All I am asking you to do is to think.
I hope I don’t regret this.

Monday, October 15, 2012


So it has been decided, Monday is not the best days in the year, which SUCKS because every week starts with the day everybody hates. EVERYWEEK! EVERY MONTH! EVERYYEAR! Monday.

We party, we have fun, we celebrate the end of the week, we create events, we live and we are free.
One issue I have about all of this, but it’s more of a question then anything, my question is very simple. My question is WHY? Why does one have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning, go to school or work and try to be somebody that society approves of, why do we have to follow norms set out by a society which none of us today formed, we simply exist in the times of yesteryear and today we die in the times of tomorrow? Think about it for a second, what is life?

If I were to ask anybody, young or old, who created the values of our society, who decided what’s acceptable and what’s not, who woke up one morning and told society they have to get jobs and an education? Who created this eternal non-progressive way of life? And most importantly where are they, or where are their descendants?  

If you were to think about these question then maybe you will see that the matrix was right, the matrix is the world someone created for us that we all live in. our society is nothing but a stimuli that we all indulge in and no one knows who is the source of this misery, instead we look for an scapegoat, we call it Monday.
None of us are willing to inform ourselves with the necessary information to escape this misery, we choose not the blue or the red pill we simply choose to ignore the situation at hand and endure in this misery. We write books about how to cope in this eternal (dare I say) Hell.

One thing is certain, no matter whom you are what you do and how famous you are, Monday is always around the corner, waiting to suck the life out of you.  Mwahahahahahaha!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Individualism HUH?

Individualism. This is a wonderful topic/concept that unfortunately not a lot of people understand.

When I was in KZN and I meet this guy named Tanguy Duquenne, who is from Belgium, I asked him what he thought about our South African women. He looked at me with the most bored face I have ever seen from a Belgian (note he was the first and only Belgian I had met at the time so…), he said to me “they are all the same.”  When he said that I didn’t know how to respond to that answer, I just said “huh?” and moved on.

When I came to Cape Town I was excited, I wanted to meet people and get chicks (I think every guy who comes to Cape Town thinks they are going to get chicks) and study and make a name for myself. I looked and I saw for the first time what Tanguy was talking about, I saw what he meant when he said “they are all the same.” The people here in Cape Town understand what the term individualism means, and it simply means be yourself, in every context of the word.

Back home all the girls dress the same, all the guys do the same things, the only thing that made anybody different was their names. I know what you thinking, huh? But yes we were all different versions of the same person. You would swear that somebody descended from the heavens and said: You will look like this until you die. What sucks is that people ate it up; they wanted to look like everybody else. No creativity, no freedom, no leaders. Yet we compete with each other on who looks better. I know… huh?

I’m not going to preach to you, but PLEASE for the sake of our constitution aim to be different, this small trait that if a lot of us shared will make our country exciting, dynamic, interesting and 10 times more exciting than your average developing country. Change is what we need not coins. I know you didn’t get that last joke so for those slow readers… huh?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

... If you know what i mean.

So it’s another day in Cape Town where there weather is moody and the girls are even better, well that’s if you can get any… if you know what I mean.

There is a misconception in South Africa that (dare I say) Cape Town being  the gay capital of Africa maybe even the world, the girls that live in Cape Town shouldn’t be too hard to get. To some level this is true, I mean we even get international girls visiting Cape Town to study or just to see the mother city and we both know it’s not going to be easy to get a man who will satisfy their African desires… huh, but girls in general are hopeless romantics they love to be wooed by a handsome and strong man. Whether you are a strong man is irrelevant but they love to live in the (what I call) the movie world, were the script is the way of life and reality does not exist. This may be a little bit harsh to say but whoever agrees with that is most probably a woman.

I will say one thing which I believe is the truth, women are the superior beings on planet earth, they think in a way, naturally most men could never begin to comprehend and for them this is a gift they were born with. They call it intuition. Because of this intuition it makes it hard for us men to pick up a girl at any bar and go home with her just by buying her a drink; you have to engage her in intellectual conversation to get any… if you know what I mean.

So in conclusion there may be a lot of gay men in Cape Town, but women still want a man who is of a certain calibre that can hold their own in every department in a relationship, and that’s why women are the superior beings they never settle for less, even when there is nothing to settle for. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There is one thing I am thoroughly disappointed in, South African bandwidth. The internet is crazy slow, which is why at times I am unable to update my blog faster than speedy Gonzales.

Moving right along, today I must say I didn’t really care about anything or anyone, everybody was just an annoyance in my life, and on top of that I am sick tired and lethargic.

On my way to school this morning I saw the girl whom I really like and when I say like I don’t mean as a friend or as a person, I like her to the extent that I would like to marry her one day (I’m weird I know) but we all see potential in everybody, deny it all you like but it’s the truth. When I saw her today I was to sick, tired and lethargic to care (I’m weird I know) I said good morning and went into the elevator with her, YES we did have that awkward silence, I didn’t care I am sick tired and lethargic, I think some if you are getting the idea.

She is one of the reasons I come to school every day, to see that beautiful face with that slim body (MAN she looks good, and yes I’m weird I know).
Actually she wasn’t the only reason why I enjoyed going to campus every day, there was another girl that made my day just by looking at her, but because I live in Cape Town, it turns out she is a lesbian. I was so bleak when I found out I almost lost my Sh!t. But one has to move on and seek better horizons and I mean women (I’m weird I know).

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Birth

So on this day the 8 of October 2012 the dream is born. The blog i've been contemplating about for a while now is here. i decided to call this blog  The Written Word Expression, the only valid reason i have is that google told me all the other names were taken so if you don't like this name PLEASE send a complaint to google, but i have a feeling they are not going to care.

Some may be wondering what this blog is about, some perhaps don't even care, that's okay i'm here to exploit all those people who don't care, show you how we care and how we believe that we are the coolest people in the world.
I think by saying you're the coolest guy in the world makes you the least coolest person in the world. self-titles have never made anybody better then what we perceive you to be, and in most cases you SUCK! for whomever is reading this blog please understand, if you are to carry on reading my blog there is one thing you are going to learn from me, don't be an idiot in society.

i'm not going to rant and rave about mundane things, im just going to talk about the insignificant stuff we think of but never talk about.

My name is Alpheus and i am the Written Word.