Friday, October 12, 2012

Individualism HUH?

Individualism. This is a wonderful topic/concept that unfortunately not a lot of people understand.

When I was in KZN and I meet this guy named Tanguy Duquenne, who is from Belgium, I asked him what he thought about our South African women. He looked at me with the most bored face I have ever seen from a Belgian (note he was the first and only Belgian I had met at the time so…), he said to me “they are all the same.”  When he said that I didn’t know how to respond to that answer, I just said “huh?” and moved on.

When I came to Cape Town I was excited, I wanted to meet people and get chicks (I think every guy who comes to Cape Town thinks they are going to get chicks) and study and make a name for myself. I looked and I saw for the first time what Tanguy was talking about, I saw what he meant when he said “they are all the same.” The people here in Cape Town understand what the term individualism means, and it simply means be yourself, in every context of the word.

Back home all the girls dress the same, all the guys do the same things, the only thing that made anybody different was their names. I know what you thinking, huh? But yes we were all different versions of the same person. You would swear that somebody descended from the heavens and said: You will look like this until you die. What sucks is that people ate it up; they wanted to look like everybody else. No creativity, no freedom, no leaders. Yet we compete with each other on who looks better. I know… huh?

I’m not going to preach to you, but PLEASE for the sake of our constitution aim to be different, this small trait that if a lot of us shared will make our country exciting, dynamic, interesting and 10 times more exciting than your average developing country. Change is what we need not coins. I know you didn’t get that last joke so for those slow readers… huh?

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